Our Solutions

Each of our solutions helps you
to optimise your human capital

Because we know that one of the greatest strengths of a company is its people, we offer you a set of tools to help you make the most of your real potential. Identifying talent, getting to know them better, understanding their value, enabling them to evolve… these are the challenges we help you to meet.

Do you master
100% of your
team’s potential ?

With Snapshot, get an accurate and quick analysis of people alignment with strategic and operational needs

Competence inventory, critical skills, gap measurement,… Snapshot allows you to get an overview of the skills within your team, your organisation or your entire business in a few clicks.

  • Accurate relational and technical skills gap analysis
  • Potential speed of change indicators
  • Focus on the right people to define targeted development plans
  • Monitor changes, Snapshot after Snapshot

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A mountaineer climbing a mountain wall representing the team's increased performance. There is also written "motion an emilee solution" at the bottom.

Do you know
how to increase
the performance
of your team?

With Motion you master all your human capital

Analyse and manage potential competency gaps in line with your strategic objectives. Motion is the ultimate tool for developing employees towards optimal performance and commitment in the short, medium and long term.

  • Real-time skills gap analysis
  • Development plans impact measurement
  • Competency based mobility and project staffing
  • Advanced Key Competency Indicators (KCIs)  

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Do you know how
to increase
the performance
of your teams?

With Motion you master all your human capital

Analyse and manage potential competency gaps in line with your strategic objectives. Motion is the ultimate tool for developing employees towards optimal performance and commitment in the short, medium and long term.

  • Real-time skills gap analysis
  • Development plans impact measurement
  • Competency based mobility and project staffing
  • Advanced Key Competency Indicators (KCIs)

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You want to POWER your organisation
with the best solutions to MONITOR and develop your human capital… let’s talk

Our team and partners have a deep experience in deploying and taking the most out of emilee solutions. We can support your Strategic Organizational Development programs worldwide. 

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