Privacy Policy

Welcome to emilee, a service provided by Skillspotting. We do everything to provide you with the best professional development opportunities. Whether you use our services as an individual or as a company, here is why and how we handle your data.


Skillspotting is committed to protecting your personal information when you use Skillspotting’s services. We want our services to be safe and useful environments for your privacy and DGMP. This privacy and cookie policy applies to our use of any personal information we collect from you through the following online services:

  • Any Skillspotting website linked to this privacy and cookie policy
  • Social media or official Skillspotting content on other websites
  • Smartphones and tablets Apple and Android Mobile
  • Website contact form

This also applies to the use of personal information you provide to us by telephone, SMS, e-mail, chatbot, mail and correspondence and in person. In all cases, privacy and DGMP are respected.

In order to provide you with the full range of Skillspotting services, we sometimes need to collect information about you.

  • This privacy and cookie policy explains the following:
  • What information can Skillspotting collect about you?
  • How Skillspotting will use the information we collect about you
  • When Skillspotting can use your contact information to contact you
  • If Skillspotting will disclose your contact information to someone else
  • Your choices regarding the personal information you provide us
  • The use of cookies on Skillspotting websites and how you can refuse cookies

Skillspotting is committed to protecting your personal information in a way that respects your privacy and RGPD. Whenever you provide this information, we are legally required to use your information in accordance with applicable information protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DGPS).

No website can provide 100% security over time and at all times. If you are concerned that your Skillspotting account has been compromised (e.g. someone may have discovered your password), please contact us immediately so that we can help you preserve your privacy and RGPD.

Skillspotting websites may contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third-party websites have their own privacy policies and may also use cookies. We therefore invite you to consult them. They will govern the use of the personal information you submit when visiting these sites, which may also be collected by cookies that may compromise your privacy and RGPD. We do not accept any responsibility for the privacy practices of these third party sites and your use of these sites is at your own risk.

How do we use your data ?


Skillspotting websites and applications are managed and operated in Switzerland in accordance with this Policy, in accordance with Swiss data protection legislation and the GDPR, which guarantee you rights over your personal data.

Skillspotting is committed to protecting personal data and makes every effort to provide a reliable and secure service within its sphere of influence.

Skillspotting is not responsible for the data protection policies or practices of other websites mentioned on Skillspotting websites and applications. We therefore invite you to review the data protection policies of these other sites in order to understand how they collect, use and share your data.

Use of Information Collected by Skillspotting

  • Information collected on the Skillspotting websites and applications may be shared globally, in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act, with persons accessing these websites and applications.
  • Our matching system allows Participants to create a skills profile. The profile functions as an intelligent agent and identifies jobs in our database that match your criteria. When a suitable job or position becomes available, our system notifies you.
  • Unless the Participant objects in the exercise of his or her rights, Skillspotting will use his or her contact information to send him or her emails or other communications.

Collection and storage of information


Data collected for our legitimate interests:

  • In some areas of its websites or applications, Skillspotting asks you for personal information such as name, first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, contact information, and other information that may reveal your identity. In all cases, Skillspotting clearly indicates whether or not data must be provided in order to use the proposed service.
  • For internal statistical purposes, Skillspotting may collect certain data concerning the use of its platform, in particular the IP address, the type of Internet browser, access time according to the areas visited.

Data collected in the context of the execution of a contract :

  • By using Skillspotting websites and applications to view or send data to our database to match their skills to a job profile, Participants will provide personal information that Skillspotting will make available in accordance with this Agreement.

If the Participant provides information about a person for reference purposes, it is the Participant’s responsibility to obtain that person’s consent.

Due to the automation of Skillspotting’s own backup process, all data is retained for a retention period not exceeding two (2) years.

Changing or deleting data


The Participant may at any time modify or delete his personal data deposited by him on the Skillspotting applications.

All he has to do is log in to his account, view the information and, if he wishes, modify it using the options provided or delete his account. However, due to the automation of the backup process, the final deletion of the data can only be effective after a period of two (2) years.

If he would like more information, he can contact

Disclosure to third parties


Skillspotting does not disclose to third parties any personal data, combined personal and demographic information, or any information regarding the use of Skillspotting websites and applications (e.g. areas visited), except in the circumstances indicated below:

  • if the Participant authorizes to do so,
  • if required by law or judicial procedure,
  • at the request of a government agency or supervisory authority.



When consulting our websites or applications, you are informed that cookies are deposited on your computer, mobile or tablet. Our sites are designed to be particularly attentive to the needs and expectations of our participants and customers. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies for the purposes of navigation, optimization and personalization of our services on the site.

What is a cookie?

Skillspotting uses cookies or performance cookies. A cookie is a small text file deposited on your computer during your visit or the consultation of an advertisement. Their purpose is to collect information relating to your navigation on the Sites and to send you personalized services, as well as to improve the functioning of these Sites or to allow the analysis of its use. On your computer, cookies are managed by your Internet browser, which will send information back to the site of origin (for example, a session identifier, choice of language or date).
Cookies enable status information to be stored for the duration of the cookie’s validity when a browser accesses different pages of a website or when the browser subsequently returns to that website.
Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in it.

The different types of cookies :

While you are browsing our sites, different types of cookies may be written directly to your computer or be subject to your consent. The purpose of these files differs depending on their type:

  • Performance and tracking to continually improve its Platform to provide a responsive online experience.
  • Personalization to facilitate access to the Platform, so that the Participant can view the home page and the language of his/her country.
  • Functional to provide access to optimal services using the Participant’s profile. Technical cookies cannot be disabled.

Accept or decline cookies

A “cookie” records information about your computer’s browsing on our Site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.) that we can read on your subsequent visits. A “cookie” does not allow us to identify you.
In this context, we warn you that the use of the functionalities of the Skillspotting website and applications may require the setting of ” cookies “.
You can at any time choose to deactivate the cookies, and this in a systematic way on all the browsers, or choose those you accept according to the issuer. You can also set your browser to accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis prior to their installation. Your browser can be set to notify you of cookies that are deposited on your computer and you can oppose the recording of “cookies”, in whole or in part, by modifying the options of your browser in the following manner: (CNIL recommendations on the subject).
It is however specified that for technical reasons, the fact of deactivating the cookies can limit the access to our website, for which we cannot be responsible.
Also, when you object to the installation or use of a cookie, a refusal cookie is installed on your terminal equipment. If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having refused the use of cookies. Similarly, when you consent to the installation of cookies, a consent cookie is set. The consent or refusal cookie must remain on your terminal equipment.



Skillspotting ensures that the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination are respected, such as civil status, pregnancy, sex, race, race, colour, nationality, membership of a national minority, ethnic or social origin, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a trade union or political party, disability, age or sexual orientation. None of this information is included in the post-profile matching calculation provided by Skillspotting applications.

Last updated : 19.06.2023